Take Note: 10 Delightful Pencil Sets for Stationery Enthusiasts

Pencil Round Up List

Can I just say that I’m obsessed with pretty pencils? I can’t believe I used to write with those generic yellow school pencils (you know the ones) when there are so many clever, creative, and funny pencils out there in the world! Plus, they make a really great add-on gift for your stationery loving pals, and go really well with our organizational notepads (just sayin’).

Without further ado: read on for ten delightful pencil sets for the avid stationer!Continue Reading →

Introducing, Stationery!

Craft show stationery

If you've been following us online or visited us at any craft shows this past winter, you may have noticed something a little bit different about our products. As of November 2015, we launched our brand new stationery line, Fox & Fancy Print Ed.

It was, in a word, incredible. The feedback we've had has been nothing short of wonderful, humbling, exciting, and inspiring. Stationery has always been one of my fiercest passions, and being able to create a collection was one of the hardest, most rewarding things I've ever done.

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