Promo Code: Murder – a “My Favorite Murder” inspired product line for Murderinos!

Look. Listen. Look and listen.

Here's the thing... if you're not listening to the hilarious comedy true crime podcast My Favorite Murder, what are you doing with your life?  (It's a cult, but a positive one, like Sephora.) 

Exactly one year ago, we launched the original MFM collection: 20 designs with some of the best quotes, sayings, and witticisms by the delightful duo Georgia Hardstark and Karen Kilgariff (and lest we forget, the animals and mustaches: Steven Ray Morris, Elvis, Mimi, Frank, George, and Dottie!)

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Hello New Year

2015 stationery promo image

If you came by to visit us at any local markets this past winter, you may have noticed that our booths were looking a little bit different than usual! That's because in November 2015 we launched our first ever stationery collection. We couldn't have been happier with how well it was received (more on that in a future blog post) but there were also a lot of questions, which we will endeavour to answer now.

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